What's new on CPAN - June 2024
Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- App::CommonSuffixUtils (PERLANCAR) groups scripts that process common suffixes in a list of strings
- Fetch a record from the National Library of the Czech Republic and turn it into a MARC file with App::NKC2MARC (SKIM)
- App::Timestamper::Log::Process (SHLOMIF) provides some filters and queries for App::Timestamper logs
- App::runscript (SVW) can help you run an application that uses local::lib
- Data::Tranco (GBROWN) provides an interface to the Tranco list of popular domain names
- Allow your RT installation to call a webhook when it receives a Twilio SMS with RT::Extension::SMSWebhook::Twilio (BPS)
- SMS::Send::CZ::Smsmanager (RADIUSCZ) is another SMS::Send driver
- A bevy of Sah-related parameterized schema bundles for:
- The array type with Sah::PSchemaBundle::Array (PERLANCAR)
- Perl with Sah::PSchemaBundle::Perl (PERLANCAR)
- Regular expressions with Sah::PSchemaBundle::Re (PERLANCAR)
- CPAN with Sah::SchemaBundle::CPAN (PERLANCAR)
- Google Chrome with Sah::SchemaBundle::Chrome (PERLANCAR)
- CODE type and coderefs with Sah::SchemaBundle::Code (PERLANCAR)
- Collections with Sah::SchemaBundle::Collection (PERLANCAR) can Various Sah collection (array/hash) schemas
- Color schemes with Sah::SchemaBundle::ColorScheme (PERLANCAR)
- Color themes with Sah::SchemaBundle::ColorTheme (PERLANCAR)
- Color codes/names with Sah::SchemaBundle::Color (PERLANCAR)
- Nutrients with Sah::SchemaBundle::Nutrient (PERLANCAR)
- Follow conventions in your own Sah parameterized schema bundles with Sah::PSchemaBundle (PERLANCAR)
- Convert e-books in Aozora Bunko format to EPUB with Aozora2Epub (YOSHIMASA)
- Generate serializers/deserializers for XDR definitions using XDR::Gen (EHUELS)
- SpeL::Wizard (WDAEMS) can help with text-to-audio conversion of LaTeX documents
- Generate random strings from regular expressions using the regxstring library with String::Random::Regexp::regxstring (BLIAKO)
- Graphics::ColorNamesCMYK::All (PERLANCAR) collects CMYK colors
- Fluently transform arrays and hashes with HATX (HOEKIT)
- Furnish support for PostgreSQL fields in the CXC::DB::DDL table creation DDL with with CXC::DB::DDL::Field::Pg (DJERIUS)
Development & Version Control
- Determine number of days in a range of DateTime’s with DateTime::Schedule (TYRRMINAL)
- Devel::StatProfiler (MBARBON) is a sampling/statistical code profiler
- DWIM::Block (DCONWAY) lets you use AI::Chat without having to write the infrastructure code
- ExtUtils::Typemaps::Misc (LEONT) is a collection of miscellaneous typemap templates
- Use WebAssembly in Perl with Extism (EXTISM)
- Filter::Syntactic (DCONWAY) lets you employ source filters based on syntax (instead of luck)
- Switch::Back (DCONWAY) implements a modified version of Perl’s deprecated given/when statement
- Switch::Right (DCONWAY) fixes and brings back Perl’s deprecated switch and smartmatch features
- Interface with Linux and FreeBSD’s getrandom(2) call with Sys::GetRandom::PP (MAUKE)
- Multi::Dispatch (DCONWAY) provides full-featured multiple dispatch for subs and methods
- SPVM::R (KIMOTO) ports R language features to SPVM
Science & Mathematics
- Additions to the Bio::SeqAlignment collection of tools and libraries for aligning biological sequences:
- Bio::SeqAlignment::Examples::TailingPolyester (CHRISARG)
- Bio::SeqAlignment::Applications::SequencingSimulators::RNASeq::Polyester (CHRISARG)
- Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Libraries::edlib (CHRISARG)
- Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::SeqMapping (CHRISARG)
- Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Sundry (CHRISARG)
- Bio::SeqAlignment::Examples::EnhancingEdlib (CHRISARG)
- Bio::SeqAlignment::Examples::TailingPolyester (CHRISARG)
- Calculate Recamán’s sequence with Math::Recaman (SIMONW)
- New Kelp plugins that give your web apps access to:
- Beam::Wire with Kelp::Module::Beam::Wire (BRTASTIC)
- YAML::PP with Kelp::Module::YAML (BRTASTIC)
- Generate HTML tags for:
- footers with Tags::HTML::Footer (SKIM)
- message boards with Tags::HTML::Message::Board (SKIM)
- Control the SunVox modular synthesizer/tracker with Audio::SunVox::FFI (JBARRETT)
- Raylib::FFI (PERIGRIN) provides bindings for the raylib library
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