What's new on CPAN - March 2016

Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Everything old was new again in March. Apart from smatterings of cool new toys, CPAN got several new loggers, plugin loaders, templates, and configuration management tools.
APIs & Apps
- Net::Pushover provides a Perly interface to Pushover, the message delivery service
- Get a client for the TeamCity, the CI service with WebService::TeamCity
- Finance::Robinhood allows you to trade stocks and ETFs with RobinHood, the free brokerage startup
- Use the Let’s Encrypt certificate service with WWW::LetsEncrypt
- WWW::PubNub provides an interface to PubNub, the streaming network service
Config & Devops
- Footprintless is a configuration management program with minimal installations
- Log to date/time-stamped files with Log::File::Rolling, a fork of Log::Dispatch::File::Rolling
- Logging::Simple aims to be a minimalist but useful logging system
- Task::Viral is a Perl configuration and installation system, like Pinto, CPAN::Mini et al.
- AtteanX::Endpoint is a SPARQL 1.1 endpoint for Attean, the semantic web framework
- Print nice calendars at the terminal using Calendar::Gregorian
- Data::Tubes is a cute data transformation module; needs iterators!
- JSON::Typist aims to “replace mushy strings and numbers” with proper typed classes. Useful
- Template::Pure is a port of pure.js
Development & Version Control
- Extract a stack trace from an exception object with Devel::StackTrace::Extract
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SmokeTests makes it easy to run smoke tests run automated environments only
- MCE::Shared is an extension for sharing threads and processes, also MCE is great
- Load plugins from files or modules with Plugin::Simple
- Test::Doctest can extract and evaluate tests from pod fragments - curious
- Linux::IRPulses Parse infra-red pulse data - also see Timm’s recent article on the subject
Language & International
- Guess language from text using a word list with Text::Guess::Language
- Check if text is UTF8 compatible with Unicode::CheckUTF8::PP a pure Perl module
- ecl executes Embedded Common Lisp code within Perl
Science & Mathematics
- EMDIS::ECS provides useful subroutines for the European Marrow Donor Information System standard
- Get a simple local search engine for your Dancer app with Dancer::SearchApp
- Mojo::ACME use the Let’s Encrypt ACME API with your Mojo app
- Plack::Middleware::Pod can render POD files as HTML
This article was originally posted on PerlTricks.com.
David Farrell
David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.
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