What's new on CPAN - November 2023
Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- Perform bit-wise search of data in a hexadecimal stream with App::Bin::Search
- App::CPANStreaks displays various metrics of CPAN author’s module release streaks
- App::FileFindUtils bundles command-line utilities related to finding files
- App::MARC::Leader decodes the first field of a MARC record (Leader) from a file or string
- App::randquote is a demo command-line app
- Print lines matching a wildcard pattern App::wcgrep
- Interact with the TrueLayer API using Business::TrueLayer
- Aion::Query is a functional interface to the MySQL/MariaDB database
Config & Devops
- A few non-Perl dependencies you can now find and build with Alien:
- Serd RDF processor (Alien::Serd)
- Sord in-memory RDF store (Alien::Sord)
- hdt-cpp RDF binary format library (Alien::hdt_cpp)
- Zix C99 data structure library (Alien::zix)
- CPAN::API::BuildPL documents the Build.PL API
- A description of static CPAN installation, along with a reference implementation is provided in CPAN::Static
- Automate various system administration tasks with Ixchel
- CLI::Simple makes it easy to create scripts that take options, commands and arguments
- Manage database handles safely for long running processes with Database::ManagedHandle
- Create an ad hoc database which drops itself automatically with Database::Temp
- File::Util::DirList consists of some file-related routines that involve lists of directories
- File::Util::Sort has routines related to sorting files in one or more directories
- File::Util::Symlink bundles some utilities related to symbolic links
- A trio of releases for dealing with MARC Leader data: MARC::Leader, MARC::Leader::Print and Data::MARC::Leader
- Export telemetry data using the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) with OpenTelemetry::Exporter::OTLP
- Build an ontology on CPAN infrastructure! Acme::Thing provides your base type
- Lots of CPAN release data bundled this month into CPAN modules:
- Acme::CPANAuthors::InMostCPANAuthors lists authors that are listed most often in Acme::CPANAuthors::* modules
- Acme::CPANAuthorsBundle::CPAN::Streaks lists prolific authors in the midst of various kinds of release streaks
- Acme::CPANModules::CPANAuthors lists Acme::CPANAUthors::* modules
- Acme::CPANModules::SmartMatch lists modules that do smart matching
- Finally, a year’s worth of CPAN release data is aggregated in TableData::Perl::CPAN::Release::Static::2023
Development & Version Control
- AnyEvent::KVStore::Etcd gives the AnyEvent::KVStore framework an Etcd distributed key-value store back-end
- Bencher::Scenarios::Log::ger provides some scenarios for benchmarking Log::ger
- The Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertDistFileLink plugin lets Dist::Zilla users link to a distribution’s shared files in their HTML documentation
- Object::PadX::Role::AutoJSON is an Object::Pad role that furnishes a method to serializes properly with JSON::XS or Cpanel::JSON::XS
- Automatically create nested Object::Pad objects with Object::PadX::Role::AutoMarshal
- Check for known vulnerabilities before releasing to CPAN with Test::CVE
- Test::Database::Temp provides a way to easily test several different databases with the same set of test data.
- Aion::Telemetry measures the time the program runs between specified points
- At implements Bluesky’s new AT social networking protocol
- Mo::utils::Date provides date utilities for the Mo object system
- Seq::Iter generates a coderef iterator from a sequence of items, the last of which can be a coderef to produce more items
- New features for the SPVM language:
- SPVM::Go implements Go’s goroutines
- SPVM::Thread implements native threads
- SPVM::Time::HiRes implements High Resolution Time
- Chipcard::PCSC allows your script to communicate with a smart card using the PC/SC specification
Language & International
- TextDoc::Examples provides a collection of dummy word processor files useful for testing or bench-marking purposes
- Acme::CPANModules::Locale::ID provides a list of modules related to the Indonesian locale
- Find out Indonesian color names and corresponding RGB values with Graphics::ColorNamesLite::ID
- Locale::MaybeMaketext automatically figures out which Maketext library is available on the end-users platform
Science & Mathematics
- Implement a B-Tree as a silicon chip with Silicon::Chip::Btree
- Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi provides JSON:API helpers to Dancer2 apps
- Create OpenAPI documentation of your Dancer2 application with Dancer2::Plugin::OpenAPI
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