What's new on CPAN - October 2024
Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- Format the output of App::Greple with:
- App::Greple::stripe (UTASHIRO) for zebra stripes
- App::Greple::under (UTASHIRO) for underlining
- Subscribe to an MQTT topic and trigger job execution with App::mqtt2job (CHRISC)
- Dist::Zilla::App::Command::DiffMint (HAARG) displays a diff of the current distribution with what would be created by minting a distribution with the same name
- Business::PAYONE (ARTHAS) provides an API to the PAYONE online payment system
- Manage Slackware SlackBuild scripts with Slackware::SBoKeeper (SAMYOUNG)
- Geo::Coder::GeoApify (NHORNE) provides access to the Geoapify Maps API
Config & Devops
- Find or install the fpm package builder with Alien::fpm (NHUBBARD)
- Rex::Commands::PerlSync (BRTASTIC) provides another way to sync directories with Rex
- Pretty print DBIx::Class result sets with DBIx::Class::ResultSet::PrettyPrint (PTC)
- DBIx::QuickORM (EXODIST) is an ORM that picks up where DBIx::Class left off
- Portably read/write file metadata with File::Information (LION)
- DateTime::Format::Intl (JDEGUEST) implements JavaScript’s Intl.DateTimeFormat class
- List::Stream (RAWLEYFOW) provides lazy, functional manipulation of lists
- Cache::Memcached::PDeque (HAIJENP) implements a priority deque using memcached as storage
Development & Version Control
- Use a file to share variables between Perl processes with File::SharedVar (CDRAKE)
- New Dist::Zilla plugins:
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::SimpleBootstrap (HAARG) bootstraps a Dist::Zilla library
- Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Pod::Coverage::TrustMe (HAARG) provides an author test for Pod coverage
- Implement an RDAP server with Net::RDAP::Server (GBROWN)
- Abstract away file storage with Storage::Abstract (BRTASTIC)
- Syntax::Keyword::Assert (KFLY) provides debugging checks that throw exceptions
- Syntax::Keyword::PhaserExpression (PEVANS) provides a syntax plugin that alters the behaviour of Perl’s BEGIN keyword
- Sys::Ebpf (TAKEMIO) provides an interface to eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter)
- XTP (DYLIBSO) is the Perl SDK for XTP
- New subroutines-by-spec that make use of file modification time:
- Comparer::file_mtime (PERLANCAR) follows the Comparer spec
- SortKey::Num::file_mtime (PERLANCAR) follows the SortKey spec
- Sorter::file_by_mtime (PERLANCAR) follows the Sorter spec
- Debug::Helper::Flag (AAHAZRED) defines and imports a boolean constant for debugging purposes
- New extensions for the SPVM language:
- SPVM::IO::Socket::SSL (KIMOTO) provides SSL
- SPVM::Net::DNS::Native (KIMOTO) provides methods for non-blocking access to
- SQL::Formatter (PLICEASE) formats SQL using the Rust sqlformat library
- Device::Chip::From::Sensirion (PEVANS) is a collection of chip drivers for Sensirion sensors
Language & International
- Locale::Intl (JDEGUEST) implements JavaScript’s Intl.Locale class
Science & Mathematics
- Math::LiveStats (CDRAKE) makes mean, standard deviation, vwap, and p-values available for one or more window sizes in streaming data
- Use Valiant to create HTML form elements in your Catalyst app’s EmbeddedPerl View classes with Catalyst::View::EmbeddedPerl::PerRequest::ValiantRole (JJNAPIORK)
- Serve files abstracted by Storage::Abstract on Plack web server abstraction using Plack::App::Storage::Abstract (BRTASTIC), and on the Kelp framework using Kelp::Module::Storage::Abstract (BRTASTIC)
- Minima (TESSARIN) is a new web framework
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