The Phrasebook Design Pattern
Have you ever written a Perl application that connects to a database? If so, then you probably faced a problem of having some code like: $statement = q(select isbn from book where title = ‘Design Patterns’); $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement)…
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This week on Perl 6 (10/7-14, 2002)
This is yet another Perl 6 summary documenting what has happened over on the perl6-internals (where Parrot, the virtual machine that will run Perl 6 is discussed) and perl6-language (where Perl 6 language design is discussed) mailing lists. Piers is…
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A Review of Komodo
Every time I get a new copy of ActiveState’s Komodo IDE, I do a review that invariably ends "this would be the perfect IDE for me if I were the sort of person who used IDEs". And every time I…
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This week on Perl 6 (9/30 - 10/6, 2002)
This is yet another Perl 6 summary, documenting what has happened over on the perl6-internals (where Parrot, the virtual machine that will run Perl 6, is discussed) and perl6-language (where Perl 6 language design is discussed) mailing lists. Piers is…
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How Hashes Really Work
It’s easy to take hashes for granted in Perl. They are simple, fast, and they usually "just work," so people never need to know or care about how they are implemented. Sometimes, though, it’s interesting and rewarding to look…
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This week on Perl 6 (9/23 - 9/29, 2002)
Okay, this is my last summary before I take a couple of week’s holiday away from any form of connectivity. Will I cope? Can my system stand going cold turkey? Can you live without my summaries? Luckily, Leon Brocard…
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An AxKit Image Gallery
AxKit is not limited to working with pure XML data. Starting with this article, we’ll work with and around non-XML data by developing an image browser that works with two types of non-XML data: a directory listing built from…
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This week on Perl 6 (9/16 - 9/22, 2002)
So, another week, another Perl 6 summary. Let’s see if I can get through this one without calling Tim Bunce ‘Tim Bunch’ shall we? Or maybe I should leave a couple of deliberate errors in as a less than…
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Embedding Web Servers
As with most of my previous articles, this one grew out of a project at my $DAY_JOB. The project du-jour involves large dependency graphs, often containing thousands of nodes and edges. Some of the relationships are automatically generated and…
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This week on Perl 6 (9/9 - 9/15, 2002)
Happy birthday to me! // Happy birthday to me! // Happy birthday, dear meeeee! // Happy birthday to me! And, with a single breech of copyright, Piers was free. The production of this summary was delayed by my turning…
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Retire your debugger, log smartly with Log::Log4perl!
You’ve rolled out an application and it produces mysterious, sporadic errors? That’s pretty common, even if fairly well-tested applications are exposed to real-world data. How can you track down when and where exactly your problem occurs? What kind of user…
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Writing CGI Applications with Perl
It seems every month or so, there’s a new Perl and CGI book out; huge thick volumes promising to teach you all you need to know about programming for the Web in 24 hours. They all start with “Hello…
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This week on Perl 6 (9/1 - 9/8, 2002)
Well, what a week it’s been, eh, people? Larry’s been telling the Slashdot crowd about quantum God and big knobs, there’s been a call for Perl 6 programmers on Perlmonks (, and the Octarine parrot took flight. So, let’s…
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The Fusion of Perl and Oracle
Andy Duncan is the co-author of Perl for Oracle DBAs. My coauthor, Jared Still, and I had the task of writing a book, Perl for Oracle DBAs, about two of our favorite subjects, Perl and Oracle. Our goal was…
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This week on Perl 6 (8/26 - 9/1, 2002)
Well, it has been a week. Damian came to London and made our heads spin; perl6-language erupted in a flurry of interesting, high signal/noise threads; Parrot reached its 0.0.8 release; Larry made many of his wonderfully unexpected but obviously…
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Mail Filtering
There are many ways to filter your e-mail with Perl. Two of the more popular and interesting ways are to use PerlMx or Mail::Audit. I took a long look at both, and this is what I thought of them….
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Exegesis 5
Editor’s note: this document is out of date and remains here for historic interest. See Synopsis 5 for the current design information. Exegesis 5 What’s the diff? Starting gently Lay it out for me Interpolate ye not … The…