Introducing AxKit

Series Introduction This article is the first in a series of articles introducing the AxKit web application platform. Starting from the basics, this series explains how to install a basic AxKit server and then explores AxKit’s more powerful capabilities….

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Why mod_perl?

In this article, I’ll give an initial introduction to mod_perl, make you want to give it a try and present a few examples of the well-known sites that are powered by mod_perl enabled Apache. What Is mod_perl? mod_perl is…

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Beginning PMCs

One of the best things about Parrot is that it’s not just for Perl implementors. Parrot 0.0.3 came with support for extensible data types that can be used to implement the types used in your favorite language. The mechanism…

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Finding CGI Scripts

Introduction No matter how much we try to convince people that Perl is a multi-purpose programming language, we’d be deluding ourselves if we didn’t admit that the majority of programmers first come into contact with Perl through their experience with…

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Apocalypse 4

Editor’s Note: this Apocalypse is out of date and remains here for historic reasons. See Synopsis 04 for the latest information. Table of Contents Accepted RFCs RFC 022: Control flow: Builtin switch statement Table 1: Matching a switch value…

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Beginning Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics, the use of computers in biology research, has been increasing in importance during the past decade as the Human Genome Project went from its beginning to the announcement last year of a “draft” of the complete sequence of…

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