This Week on p5p 1999/10/17

(11-17 October 1999) -> Introduction New Development Release 5.005_62 Unicode Character Classes Module Bundling and the proposed import pragma use fields allows overlapping member names PREPARE functions and my Class $foo declarations goto Out of Conditional Bug Regex Range Bug…

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This Week on p5p 1999/10/24

(18-24 October 1999) -> $^O STOP blocks and the broken compiler Blank lines in POD PERL_HEADER environment variable Out of date modules in Perl distribution Enhanced UNIVERSAL::isa sort improvements glob case-sensitivity reftype function New perlthread man page Win32 and fork()…

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Bless My Referents

Introduction Damian Conway is the author of the newly released Object Oriented Perl, the first of a new series of Perl books from Manning. Object-oriented programming in Perl is easy. Forget the heavy theory and the sesquipedalian jargon: classes…

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White Camel Awards

The Perl Conference brought us the first “White Camel” awards. The White Camel Awards were created to honor individuals who devote remarkable creativity, energy, and time to the non-technical work that supports Perl’s active and loyal user community. The…

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Dispatch from YAPC

Yet Another Perl Conference, also known as YAPC, wasn’t just another conference, it was incredible. Kevin Lenzo YAPC was thought up and coordinated by Kevin Lenzo of Carnegie Mellon University. The idea was to have a "grass roots" Perl…

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Y2K Compliance

Lawyers, Liars, and Perl As the clock draws us relentlessly closer toward 2000, the final year of the second millennium, doom sayers everywhere are prophesying unprecedented computer failure in every conceivable sector. Known popularly as the Year 2000 Problem,…

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A Zero Cost Solution

Creating a Task Tracking System For $0 in Licensing Fees, Hardware, and Software Costs CONEXANT (formerly Rockwell Semiconductor Systems) Supply Chain Management Planning and Execution Systems needed a way to keep track of in-house tasks. When associate departments requested…

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