The Phrasebook Design Pattern

Have you ever written a Perl application that connects to a database? If so, then you probably faced a problem of having some code like:

 $statement = q(select isbn from book where title = 'Design Patterns');

 $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement) ; 

Why is this “a problem”? It looks like nice code, doesn’t it? Actually, if you look at the code above, you will see two languages: Perl and SQL. This makes the code not that readable. Besides, SQL statements that are only slightly different may appear in several places, and this will make it more difficult to maintain. In addition, suppose you have an SQL expert who should optimize your SQL calls. How do you let him work on the SQL; should he look through your Perl code for it? And what if that guy is so ignorant that he doesn’t even know Perl?

We can solve these problems by writing:

 $statement = $sql->get("FIND_ISBN", { title => "Design Patterns" });
 $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement);

We keep the actual SQL statements and their corresponding lookup keys in a separate place that we call a phrasebook. We can use XML to wrap the SQL and the lookup keys:

 <phrase name="FIND_ISBN">
   select isbn from book where title = '$title' 

As we can see above, the SQL statement can hold placeholders, so we can use one generic SQL statement that can be used in different places.

Now, our code is more readable and maintainable. As we will see later, there are additional advantages for writing using the phrasebook design pattern - it helps when we port the code, or when we debug.

Nevertheless, is it a design pattern at all? We saw only one problem and one solution, right? So here are two more examples: When you need to generate an error code from your application, you might have in your code two languages: Perl and English. Moreover, suppose you want to have later the error code in other languages? The phrasebook design pattern suggests that you should separate the languages, and put the error messages in a phrasebook. It also guides you as to how to have the error messages in different languages.

Suppose you write a code generator that generates PostScript. In order to have readable code, it is better to separate the PostScript code from the rest of your code, and put it in a phrasebook.

If you are particularly interested, then you can find the original Phrasebook Design Pattern paper in

Because our examples above were about writing applications that uses database, I would like to add a paragraph or two about persistency. Some readers might argue that instead of having the SQL code within our Perl code, or even within our phrasebook, we should create objects that take the responsibility for connecting to the database, and load or save themselves. This way, if we use those objects, we need no SQL in the rest of our code. There are two points to make in this context:

I would suggest the use of the phrasebook within the classes that implement those persistence objects. This way, the code of those classes will gain from the advantages that the phrasebook pattern offers.

Usually a persistence object represents one or more tables in the database. The idea is that we should not access those tables without using the object. Yet, in my experience, because of performance issues, you may need complex SQL statements that access tables belonging to more then one object. So the programmer might find himself writing an SQL statement in his main application anyway, instead of using the persistence objects.


You probably guessed already that the phrasebook class implements the phrasebook design pattern. Like the rest of the classes that are described in this paper, it is available for downloading from CPAN. Let us see how we use that class to generate some error codes in different languages (English and Dutch for example).

We begin with writing the phrasebook. The phrasebook is a simple XML file. It will look like:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
 <!DOCTYPE phrasebook [
 <!ELEMENT phrasebook (dictionary)*>
 <!ELEMENT dictionary (phrase)*>
 <!ATTLIST dictionary name CDATA #REQUIRED>
 <!ELEMENT phrase (#PCDATA)>

  <dictionary name="EN">
     The name $name can be used only as manual template
  <dictionary name="NL">
    De naam $name mag enkle gebriuk worden als webboek template

As we can see, the phrasebook file starts with the Document Type Definition (DTD). Don’t panic - just copy it as is. It is used by the XML parser to validate the XML code. Then we open the definition of the phrasebook, and inside it one or more definitions of dictionaries. Each dictionary will hold the phrases. The first dictionary is taken as the default dictionary: if a phrase is missing in other dictionary, it will be taken from the first one. The phrases can hold placeholders. The placeholders look exactly like Perl scalar variables.

Now let’s see how we get a phrase from the phrasebook:

 $msg = new Class::Phrasebook($log, "errors.xml");
 # check that the name of the document is not a manual_template name
 if (is_manual_template_name($template_name)) {
    my $message = $msg->get("MISUSE_OF_MANUAL_TEMPLATE_NAME",
                            { name => "$template_name"} ); 
    $log->write($message, 5);
    return 0;

First, we create the Class::Phrasebook object. We supply to the constructor a Log::LogLite object and a name of the XML file that contains the phrasebook we want to use. We will discuss the Log::LogLite class later. For now, you should only know that this class provides with the ability to have log messages - so if, for example, our new Class::Phrasebook object fails to find the XML file, a log message will be written to a log file.

How the XML file will be found if we do not supply any path? The class automatically searches the following directories:

  • The current directory.
  • The directory ./lib in the current directory.
  • The directory ../lib in the current directory.
  • @INC.

This allows us to create an XML file that comes with a module in an easy way: We should place the XML file in a lib directory below the directory of our module. Therefore, if the module we write is Blah, then its XML file will be placed in the directory Blah/lib. Of course, it is a good idea to give the XML file a name that is similar to the module name - blah.xml, so it will be unique on the system (because “make install” will install the XML file next to the module file

The next thing we do is to load a dictionary from the phrasebook file. The $language variable above will hold the dictionary name - in our example, it will be “EN” or “NL”.

Finally, when we need to get the text for an error message, we call the get method of the Class::Phrasebook object with the key of the message we want to get, and a reference to a hash that holds the name-value pairs of the placeholders within the phrase.

Some careful readers might point out that if we use the Class::Phrasebook inside another class, then we might end up with a memory problem. Suppose many of the other class objects are constructed, and all of them load the same dictionary using the Class::Phrasebook objects. We will end up with many identical dictionaries loaded into the memory.

For example, assume we have object User that uses an object of Class::Phrasebook to generate error messages. When we construct the User object, we also construct a Class::Phrasebook object and load the dictionary for the error messages in the right language. Let’s assume we have 100 User objects that are supposed to provide the error messages in English. It means that those 100 User objects will hold 100 Class::Phrasebook objects and each of them will hold its own copy of the English error dictionary. Terrible loss of memory!

Well, not exactly. The Class::Phrasebook keeps the loaded dictionaries in a cache that is actually class data. That means that all the objects of Class::Phrasebook have one cache like that. The cache is managed by the class, and knows to load only one dictionary of each sort. It will know also to delete that dictionary from the memory when there are no more objects that refer to it. Therefore, the careful readers should not worry about this issue any more.

However, continuing the example above, sometimes we might load the 100 User objects one after the other. Each time, that object will be destroyed. Other careful reader might point out that in this case the dictionary will go out of scope every time, and actually we will load the same dictionary 100 times!

Because of that, the class provides for that careful reader a class method that configures the class to keep the loaded dictionaries in the cache forever. This is not the default behavior, but when coding daemons, for example, it will be desirable.


The class Class::Phrasebook::SQL is a daughter class of Class::Phrasebook. It provides us with some extra features that helps us to deal with SQL phrases more easily. One example is the way it deals with the update SQL statement. Imagine that you have in your application a form that the user is supposed to fill in. If the user fills in only two fields, then you are supposed to update only those two fields in his record. Usually this problem is solved by having a simple code that builds our update SQL statement from its possible parts. However, this will not be that readable. The Class::Phrasebook::SQL will let you do it in the following way:

We will place as a phrase the update SQL statement with all the possible fields:

 <phrase name="UPDATE_T_ACCOUNT">
   update t_account set
         login = '$login',
         description = '$description',
         dates_id = $dates_id,
         groups = $groups,
         owners = $owners
      where id = $id

The Class::Phrasebook::SQL will drop the “set” lines, where there is a placeholder that its value is undefined. As I wanted to avoid from real parsing of the update statements, the update statements must look as the example above - each “set” expression in different line. Now, if we call the get method as the following:

 $statement = $sql->get("UPDATE_T_ACCOUNT",
                        { description => "administrator of manuals",
                          id => 77 });

We will get the statement:

 update t_account set
       description = 'administrator of manuals'
    where id = 77

“Set” lines that contained undefined placeholders in the original update statement were removed.

Debugging With the Phrasebook Classes

Both the classes Class::Phrasebook and Class::Phrasebook::SQL provide us with debugging services. One example is the environment variable PHRASEBOOK_SQL_DEBUG_PRINTS. If this variable holds the value “TEXT” then it will print debug message each time the method C<get> is called: path = Oefeningen/logoklad.source [–>DBOrderedTreeUI::show_list > DBOrderedTreeUI. pm:4134–>Manual::fill_node_info_container_from_list >– >Document::load > /htdocs/html/projects/webiso/code/classes/ :403–>Revisions::load > /htdocs/html/projects/webiso/code/classes/Revi–>Revision::load: ][GET_LAST_REVISION]

        select path, major, minor, date, user_id,
               state_id, md5, data_md5, is_patch, is_changed 
            from revision 
            where path = 'Oefeningen/logoklad.source'
              and is_patch = 0

If the value of the environment is “COLOR”, then the output would be with colors. The colors come from the Term::ANSIColor module. If the value is “HTML” then the output would be HTML code that generates a similar colorful representation.

 path = Oefeningen/logoklad.source

 [>DBOrderedTreeUI::show_list > DBOrderedTreeUI 
 .pm:4134-->Manual::fill_node_info_container_from_list >
 -->Document::load > /htdocs/html/projects/webiso/code/classes/Document
 .pm:403-->Revisions::load > /htdocs/html/projects/webiso/code/classes/>Revision::load: ][GET_LAST_REVISION]
        select path, major, minor, date, user_id,
               state_id, md5, data_md5, is_patch, is_changed 
            from revision 
            where path = 'Oefeningen/logoklad.source'
              and is_patch = 0

Imagine that you need to see what are the SQL statements that are generated from a certain piece of code. Setting the PHRASEBOOK_SQL_DEBUG_PRINTS environment variable within that code will do the trick in no time. This feature can help not only in debugging, but also in the optimization of SQL code.

A similar environment variable is the PHRASEBOOK_SQL_SAVE_STATEMENTS_FILE_PATH. When this environment is set to a certain file path, all the SQL statements that are generated by calling to the get method will be written to that file. That way, you can see later which SQL statements your application issued, and even to re-run them from that file.

Actually, this is the way I found a bug in one of the former versions of the database PostgreSQL. I noticed that under certain conditions, some select statements fail while they are not supposed to fail. As usual, the “certain conditions” were totally unknown. What I did was to run my application while having the environment PHRASEBOOK_SQL_SAVE_STATEMENTS_FILE_PATH set. When the bug happened, I took the file with all the SQL statements that I got and ran the SQL statements directly from it. Then, I started to clean it until I had only few SQL statements left, and still the bug happened when they were run. I sent those statements with my report of the bug and got within two hours a solution for the problem (Well - you know, when you use open source software, you get support - and the PostgreSQL team is very responsive).

Log::LogLite and Log::NullLogLite

The Log::LogLite and the Log::NullLogLite classes provide us with an excellent opportunity to introduce a beautiful design pattern called the Null Object Design Pattern.

The Log::LogLite is a simple class that let us create simple log files in our application. The synopsis from the manual page of the class gives a good overview of how to use the class:

 use Log::LogLite;
 my $LOG_DIRECTORY = "/where/ever/our/log/file/should/be";
 # create new Log::LogLite object
 my $log = new Log::LogLite($LOG_DIRECTORY."/error.log",
 # we had an error
 $log->write("Could not open the file ".$file_name.": $!", 4);

As we saw Class::Phrasebook demands the use of a Log::LogLite object. This allows Class::Phrasebook to generate log messages when errors occur - for example, when the parsing of the XML file fails. However, it might be that we do not want to have a log file for every use of the Class::Phrasebook. How can we avoid from having a log file without changing the code of Class::Phrasebook?

The solution for that problem comes from the beautiful Null Object Design Pattern by Bobby Woolf. The pattern guides us to inherit from our class a null class - a class that does nothing, but implement the same interface of the original class. In our example, Log::NullLogLite overrides some of the methods of Log::LogLite to do nothing. So when we call the method write, nothing is written. Because the class inherits from Log::LogLite, the classes that use Log::LogLite continue to run correctly also when we send to them Log::NullLogLite objects.


The phrasebook design pattern helps us to get more readable and maintainable code by separating expressions in one language from the main code that is written in other language. The Class::Phrasebook module helps us to implement this pattern in Perl.

The classes that are presented above have been used by my colleagues and me for few years. During that time, we could see in practice all the advantages that the pattern promises. For example, an application of 65,000 lines had to be ported to another database. When the SQL code is concentrated in XML files, we could achieve that kind of port very rapidly.

In my opinion, Perl gives us a nice platform to program in object-oriented techniques. However, I am not sure that this opinion is well-spread. Many programmers stop learning when things they write start running, and with Perl things start to run very soon. Nevertheless, with good design, big and sophisticated applications can be written with Perl, like with other OO languages.


Many thanks to Ockham Technology N.V. for letting me release the above modules and others as open source on CPAN.



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