A Website in a Minute Using Dancer, the Effortless Web Framework
While Perl has a few heavy hitters in the web framework world (Catalyst, Jifty, CGI::App), sometimes they can seem like overkill. When writing a light web service or a high-end but not-as-complex website, you might want something smaller and simpler. This is where Dancer comes in.
Dancer is a web framework whose purpose is to let you get a website up and running within a minute, if not sooner. It started as a port of Ruby’s Sinatra but has since took its own path.
Dancer supports Plack/PSGI from an early version and has a built-in scaffolding script to help you get up and running within seconds. It creates deployment scripts for you, includes a guide for deployment situations to help you configure your webserver (whether Perlbal, Apache, Lighttpd or anything else you might care to use) and has a default clean design to help you prototype your website faster.
The best way to learn, understand, and fall in love with Dancer is to get on the dance floor:
$ cpan Dancer # or cpanp, or cpanm
$ dancer -a MyApp
+ ./MyApp
+ MyApp/views
+ MyApp/views/index.tt
+ MyApp/views/layouts
+ MyApp/views/layouts/main.tt
+ MyApp/environments
+ MyApp/environments/development.yml
+ MyApp/environments/production.yml
+ MyApp/config.yml
+ MyApp/app.psgi
+ MyApp/MyApp.pm
+ MyApp/MyApp.pl
+ MyApp/public
+ MyApp/public/css
+ MyApp/public/css/style.css
+ MyApp/public/css/error.css
+ MyApp/public/images
+ MyApp/public/404.html
+ MyApp/public/dispatch.fcgi
+ MyApp/public/dispatch.cgi
+ MyApp/public/500.html
The dancer
application creates a views folder, which contains layout and templates. It contains sane defaults you can use to start. It also creates a config.yaml file and an environments folder for environment-specific configurations. MyApp.pm and MyApp.pl are the main application files. MyApp.pl includes a built-in webserver for the development (or even deployment!) of your application. The public folder contains default CSS and images.
This directory tree includes a few other interesting files; these are dispatchers for various backends. The PSGI dispatcher is app.psgi. The CGI and FCGI dispatchers are public/dispatch.cgi and public/dispatch.fcgi, respectively.
Look in MyApp/MyApp.pm. Dancing really is this simple!
package MyApp;
use Dancer;
get '/' => sub {
template 'index';
What does this all mean?
Dancer uses the notion of routes to specify the paths your users might take in your website. All you need in order to write a Dancer application is to define routes. Routes are not only simple, but concise and versatile. They support variables (named matching, wildcard matching), regular expressions and even conditional matching.
Here are a few examples:
get '/' => sub {
return 'hello world!';
This route defines the root path of the application. If someone reaches http://example.com/, it will match this route.
The word get
signifies the HTTP method (GET) for which the path exists. If you use a web form, you need a route for a POST method:
post '/user/add/' => sub {
# create a user using the data from the form
There are a few more methods (del for DELETE, put for PUT). You can also use any
to provide a single route for all HTTP methods or for several specific methods:
any ['get', 'post'] => sub {
# both post and get will reach here!
Variables are clean and simple:
get '/user/view/:username/' => sub {
my $username = params->{username};
template 'users' => { username => $username };
This route matches http://example.com/user/view/variable/, while variable can be of any type.
Of course, you can write a more complex wildcard matching:
get '/download/*.*' => sub {
# we extract the wild card matching using splat
my ( $file, $ext ) = splat;
If you feel rambunctious, you can define a regular expression:
get r( '/hello/([\w]+)' ) => sub {
my ($name) = splat;
Note that in these examples, the splat
keyword returns the values that the wildcards (the *
used in routes) or regular expressions (declared with r()
) match. As a convenience, note also that you do not have to escape the forward slash regex delimiters used in r()
; Dancer escapes them for you.
Multiple Routes
When writing many routes, you might find it easier to separate them to different files according to their prefixes. Dancer provides prefix
and load
to help you with that.
# in main Dancer application:
load 'UserRoutes.pm';
# in UserRoutes.pm:
use Dancer ':syntax'; # importing just the syntax to create routes
prefix '/user';
get '/view/' => sub { ... };
get '/edit/' => sub { ... };
get '/delete/' => sub { ... };
These will match http://example.com/user/view/, http://example.com/user/edit/ and http://example.com/user/delete/, respectively.
Built for scalability
Dancer has a built-in route caching mechanism, making sure that even when you have a lot of routes, it will be able to serve them at almost the same speed as though you had only a few routes. This means that even if you have 600 routes, you do not have to worry about your application being slow!
Dancer supports internal variables. Declare them with var
, and you can later fetch them inside your routes:
var waiter => 'sawyer';
get '/welcome/' => sub {
my $name = vars->{waiter};
return "Hi, I'm $name and I'll be your waiter this evening.";
Sometimes you want to be able to specify code to run before any route. KiokuDB, for example, requires you to make a scope whenever you want to work with the database. This is easy to automate with the before
before sub {
var scope => $dir->new_scope;
Another common technique is to verify a session:
before sub {
if ( !session('user') && request->path_info !~ m{^/login} ) {
# Pass the original path requested along to the handler:
var requested_path => request->path_info;
Dancer will return to the user agent whatever you return from a route, just like PSGI does. “Hello, world!” in Dancer is:
get '/' => sub { 'Hello, world!' };
Plain text isn’t always what you want, so Dancer has powerful support for templates. There are various template engines available (Template::Toolkit, Template::Tiny, Tenjin, Text::Haml, and Mason, to name a few). Dancer also provides a default simple template engine called Dancer::Template::Simple. This gives you a simple self-contained template engine at no additional cost!
The template
keyword allows you to specify which template to process and which variables to pass to the template:
get '/user/view/:name' => sub {
my $name = params->{name};
# Dancer adds .tt automatically, but this is configurable
template 'show_user' => {
name => $name,
user => get_user($name),
Dancer automatically supplies you an encompassing layout for your templates, much like Template’s WRAPPER
option. This built-in template means you can use the layout with other template engines, such as Template::Tiny.
Dancer accomplishes this by rendering two templates: the one you provided and a (configurable) layout template. The layout template gets the output of rendering your template as a content
variable, then embeds that content in the general page layout.
The default templates that come with Dancer demonstrate this point very well. Here’s main.tt, the default layout:
<html><head><!-- some default css --></head>
<% content %>
Serializers make RESTing easier
Serializers are a new feature in Dancer (available since version 1.170). They allow automatic serialization for your output in various forms (Data::Dumper, YAML, or JSON) to shorten the amount of code you have to write in your application.
When programming a RESTful service, the JSON serializer cuts down much of your code by automatically serializing your output. This makes your server-side AJAX code much more efficient and less boilerplate code for you to write.
File uploads are fun
File uploads exist since version 1.170. Within a route, write:
# several files
my @files = request->upload();
# single file
my $file = request->upload();
# then you can do several things with that file
my $fh = $file->file_handle;
my $content = $file->content;
my $filename = $file->filename;
Easy configuration
You can configure everything (logging, session handling, template layout, file locations) in Dancer using the main configuration file (appdir/config.yml). There are configuration files for your specific environment (production and development) and you can provide environment-specific configurations in the corresponding file (appdir/environments/development.yml, for example).
While Dancer is still evolving, it is already a production-ready simple-yet-powerful web framework lets you get from zero to web in record time. Put on your dancing shoes, define your steps, and bust a move!
Dancer is available on the CPAN (Dancer), and Dancer development takes place on Github.
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