Modern Perl mecca:

Although not precisely defined, Modern Perl programming refers to the use of best practice coding syntax, environment configuration tools, new Perl modules and the general joie de vivre associated with Perl since version 5.10.2. During this time the Perl language and available modules went through an upgrade of several tons of awesome, which resulted in a more concise, idiomatic syntax, and powerful new tools including web frameworks, ORMs and configuration managers.

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Check your module POD using perldoc

Perl ships with a command-line program called perldoc that makes it easier to search and read Perl’s vast documentation in the POD markup language. If perldoc is called with the -F flag, it will display the POD markup of an input file - this can be useful when your are developing a new Perl distribution and want to check the appearance of the POD in your module before it appears on CPAN for all to see.

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3 quick ways to find out the version number of an installed Perl module from the terminal

Perl module features and behaviour can change from version to version and so knowing the version number of an installed Perl module can be useful in several scenarios. Below are three different command line methods for finding out the version number of an installed module that work on Bash and Windows Powershell. So fire up the terminal and get typing!

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