Perl distributions, modules, packages explained
Learn which files are in a distribution, the difference between a module and a package etc.
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Check your module POD using perldoc
Perl ships with a command-line program called perldoc that makes it easier to search and read Perl’s vast documentation in the POD markup language. If perldoc is called with the -F flag, it will display the POD markup of an input file - this can be useful when your are developing a new Perl distribution and want to check the appearance of the POD in your module before it appears on CPAN for all to see.
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How We Wrote the Template Toolkit Book ...
There are a number of tools available for writing books. Many people would immediately reach for their favorite word processor, but having written one book using Microsoft Word I’m very unlikely to repeat the experience. Darren Chamberlain, Andy Wardley, and…